How long would it take you to become
The Batman?

Apart from a serious thirst for vengance, good genetics and many hours spent down the dojo, Bruce Wayne's main superpower is his wealth. So how long would it take YOU to become The Batman?

To start the calculations insert here your monthly salary:

You'll be rich enough to be The Batman in:





and days:


Which is the equivalent of - days or - hours or - minutes.

You've still got a long way to go on your journey to becoming The Batman:


While you accumulate your wealth you can start working on Batman's other skills:

  • icon
    Master Martial Arts:

    Get ready to smash! You would have enough time to master - different martial arts.

  • icon
    Strength & Agility:

    Get hench! You would have enough time to spend - hours in the gym.

  • icon

    Get smart! You would have enough time to read - books.

  • icon
    Custom Technology:

    Get building cool shit! You can become a top MIT engineer - times over.

If you grow your own food, never go out and live in a cave you can buy your own Batmobile in:





and days:



Batman / Bruce Wayne fortune total is:


Earnings per Year:


Earnings per Month:


Earnings per week:


Earnings per day:


Earnings per hour:


Earnings per minute:


Earnings per second:


Seconds spent on the page:


Batman money earned since arrival on this page:
